Looking for Premium Products and Expert Serivces?

Reach out to us, your partner in success.

Veterinary Pharmaceuticals

Veterinary Supplements

Hygiene Products

Equipments and Apparatuses of Live Stocks and Farms

Poultry Hatching Eggs

Animal Care Products

Farms Veterinary Supervision

Trun Key Production Projects

Economic Feasibility Studies

Who We Are What We Do

Agrovet Veterinary Services is a United Arab Emirates Company, Located in the Oasis city of Alain. In Agrovet, we provide efficient technical solutions and unique veterinary products and services that help our clients maximize profitability, increase productivity, and improve their animal health

Our Journey

Our journey started with a family owned animal production farm in the emirate of Abu Dhabi raising different species of animals such as gazelle, ostrich, peacock, sheep and goat. In the year of 2015 we introduced veterinary supervision services to local farms and trade of veterinary medicine in the city of oasis “Alain”. The year 2016 witnessed the start of commercial production in our own farm of poultry, game birds and ruminants, in addition to green houses producing vegetables. From there we expanded our activities and services coverage to our clients who we prefer to call as “Partners in Success” since then series of animal farms “small ruminants, equines, bovines, and poultry” has joined our journey of success and keep on joining.

Get in touch Contact

Contact Number






74th St., Alnoud, Alain, United Arab Emirates

Working Hour

Mon - Sat

8 AM to 4 PM